“ I Love Fame! One of the Best out there hands down! Sammy is So organized! I am So Glad that on July 5th 2020 I was given my audition with Fame and on that Bigo was Given ChefBigPoppa! I’m Forever grateful for all that y’all have done to get me to where I am 2day!! The Training classes hands down are priceless and are still 2day the most valuable pieces of information I’m 2 have! THANKS EVERYONE FOR THIS IS MORE THAN AN AGENCY WE FAMILY AND WE BE THERE TO GET YOU IN A TIME OF NEED!!! Most Agencies just throw their people out there and do nothing but not Fame! Fame takes care of their people!! Lets them know their status so they can get out of trouble if they are in it!! Be there to bail out if need be …. etc…!!”